The Harbour On Fly
It’s been a while since I’ve fly fished the harbour. In fact, according to this blog, the last time was back in January 2013 when we got some nice pompano and kingies. News was that it was fishing well so Keegan, Leo, Amy and I headed down for a quick flick.
Spring lows were at around midday so we arrived at the harbour at 10:30am. The not uncommon first challenge was that Leo forgot his basket. This was (relatively) easily solved by lurking behind the restaurants and hunting down an old beer crate. This combined with a piece of soggy harbour rope made a great stripping basket and we were back in action.
We started fishing near the concrete block and I quickly found a school of small kingies. It seemed like a good start to the day but it was the end of the fish for me. Leo then started schooling me on gurney bashing by landing 5 or so in the same spot (I’m sure it was the same fish). To prove me wrong we moved locations and soon he was into another nice gurney.
Keegan and Amy had meanwhile headed off in the opposite direction and came back with similar stories. Keegan has targeted the kingies while Amy had outfished him and landed a few good gurnies.
It was a great day out and great to be back in the harbour.