Norrie Williamson
After many weeks of no running or squash, I decided I needed to sort my knee problem out once and for all. Although I have a lot of faith that the chiro will cure the pain, I wanted to know what was causing the knee to dislocate; So I headed to Norie Williamson, a running coach, to check my shoes, technique, etc.
I spent about an hour and a half with him from 7 to 8:30pm where he assessed my shoes, checked my running style, etc. I’ve never been so impressed with somebody’s running knowledge, as he showed me all my problems and how to correct them. He also explained why I was running in the wrong shoe, and gave me several other pairs to test out. He then modified my current running shoes so that I can use them for a while, before I go and buy a new pair, which he will do with me. It was an incredibly interesting experience and I would certainly recommend it to any runner.
Lets hope it helps.